Important information about this manual

Important information about this manual  - 2012 Infiniti G Owner’s Manual - Infiniti G Owners Manual - Infiniti G

You will see various symbols in this manual. They are used in the following ways:

This is used to indicate the presence of a hazard that could cause death or serious personal injury. To avoid or reduce the risk, the procedures must be followed precisely.

This is used to indicate the presence of a hazard that could cause minor or moderate personal injury or damage to your vehicle.
To avoid or reduce the risk, the procedures must be followed carefully.

If you see the symbol above, it means “Do not do this” or “Do not let this happen”.

If you see the symbol above, it means “Do not do this” or “Do not let this happen”.

If you see a symbol similar to those above in an illustration, it means the arrow points to the front of the vehicle.

If you see a symbol similar to those above in an illustration, it means the arrow points to the front of the vehicle.

Arrows in an illustration that are similar to those above indicate movement or action.

Arrows in an illustration that are similar to those above indicate movement or action.

Arrows in an illustration that are similar to those above call attention to

Arrows in an illustration that are similar to those above call attention to an item in the illustration.

    See also:

    Adaptive shift control (ASC)
    The adaptive shift control system automatically operates when the transmission is in the "D" (drive) and "DS" (Drive Sport) position and selects an appropriate gear depending on th ...

    Initialize entry/exit function
    If the battery cable is disconnected, or if the fuse opens, the entry/exit function will not work though this function was set on before. In such a case, after connecting the battery or replacing with ...

    Precautions on child restraints
    WARNING ● Failure to follow the warnings and instructions for proper use and installation of child restraints could result in serious injury or death of a child or other passengers in a s ...